Investing and Saving:

Investing is a smart way to build your wealth. I can help you find your way around the world of investments and make sure your choices are well informed.

Investing your money in the right savings options is crucial, no matter what stage of life you’re at. I’ll help you make the right choices to get the most out of your money.

  • Non- Registered Savings

    With this flexible savings plan, you can invest even more for your personal projects and retirement.

  • TSFA (Tax-free savings account)

    Despite its name, it’s not a typical savings account – it’s a place where you can put investments.

  • Annuity

    Invest your savings into a stable and regular paycheque for life with a life annuity.

  • RRIF (Registered retirement income fund)

    It’s time to live the life you saved up for. Converting your RRSP into something that can allow you to have the life you envisioned is the first step.

  • RESP (registered education savings plan)

    A registered education savings plan (RESP) allows you to use tax-free savings and government contributions to help set your children up for success.

  • RRSP (Registered retirement savings plan)

    An RRSP provides short and long-term tax advantages that can help fund the retirement you want.

  • LIRA (locked in retirement account)

    Are you on the verge of changing jobs and want to know what will happen to the pension plan you have with your current employer?